Wicked Wrench Co.
“If I do a job in 30 minutes it’s because I spent 10 years learning how to do that in 30 minutes. You owe me for the years, not the minutes. ”
Labor Book Hours Explained
Book Hours Explanation
Mechanics go through schooling, OJT (on the job training) and class updates frequently to stay on top of the newest vehicles and vehicle problems. Computers can only tell us certain things that are going on with vehicles- computers don't tell us everything. Experience goes a long way in this industry. Mechanics spend tens of thousands of dollars in tools to make their jobs easier and faster- the phrase "work smart not hard". Shops spend hundreds of thousands for diagnostic computers/Lifts/Alignment racks, specialized equipment and shop tools not to forget about general overhead.
Book hours is the average time it takes to complete a job. Automotive companies (like Mitchell1)) spend time figuring out what the book hours are for vehicle mechanical jobs. Not all jobs are equal. Example- A job on a car that is within 5 years old may be faster to complete than the same job on a vehicle that's 15-20 years old due to age, rust, seized bolts, broken bolts, and corrosion. Specialized tools make a world of difference, but someone has to invest in them. We invest in torches and plasma cutters to heat up or cut parts that won't come loose.
There are instances that some jobs are done faster than book hours, but it also goes the other way too. We don't charge you more if it takes longer because the vehicle is rusty or a bolt broke. We don't charge more if we have to turn a torch on a seized nut or bolt or a frozen caliper pin. Bottom line, we invest in the best tools of the trade to make our life and yours easier. Some jobs have contingencies if a bolt breaks in an engine block.
We are very transparent in what we charge on our quotes and what our hourly rate is. Our quotes are very easy to read and breakdown from labor cost to parts cost. Most shops don't advertise what they charge per hour. Ever wonder why?😒