Learn About Automotive Basics
Wicked Wrench Co. will be offering free automotive "basics" classes to the community throughout the year. this will be around a 90 minute class teaching anyone who wants to learn about basics of their vehicle. (the time will depend on how many people are attending the class and addressing questions)
Our instructor, jaime hjelm, is one of the owners of Wicked Wrench Co. and also a mechanic.
Teen drivers would benefit from this class by learning how to change a tire, check oil properly, know when you need brakes, what happens when you need a tow, and "what to do if" arises. Jaime will explain safety with changing tires, How to check fluids and add if necessary, and different mechanical issues in different SITUATIONS that may arise with your vehicle and how to handle them. we have packets of information to follow along with.
any person of any age is welcome to attend not just teens. <No small children>
Please check back frequently to see the future dates/times for these classes.
Wicked wrench co. welcomes GIRL scout and boy scout troops to earn their auto care badges.
Next Class AUG 10th 10am at Wood Dale Library
this is A FREE Automotive Basics class with Jaime Hjelm
Please do not sign up unless you know you can make it- this is a limited class with limited spots available- Signup will come down once we meet capacity-
THese classes are limited and free, it is an informational class. this class is not teaching how to “fix” cars, but learning the basics of your vehicle- how to check fluids/brakes/change a tire/jump a vehicle/and more.
The sign up will close on the website once we reach capacity. we will send a reminder with a ‘PDF Packet’ to download and follow along with during class. Please do not bring small children to this class- minimum age is 14.
Please wear casual clothing as we will be in the auto repair shop. Please come 10 minutes in advance in order to start on time. Park in our parking lot or on the street. come to the front glass doors and check in please.
We are currently not traveling to outside locations for classes
If you have a group and are interested in hosting a class contact Naomi at wickedwrenchco@gmail.com